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The TOEIC (Test of English for Worldwide Communication) is a standardized international test of English language competency for non-native English speakers. It is specifically designed to assess the English skills of persons who work in an international setting on a daily basis.
There are several types of exams: The TOEIC Listening & Reading Test consists of two equally graded comprehension assessment tasks with a maximum score of 990; the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests are also available. The TOEIC speaking test consists of exercises that evaluate pronunciation, intonation, and stress, TOEFL certificate for sale, as well as vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, subject relevance, and completion. The TOEIC Writing examination consists of activities that evaluate grammar, sentence relevance to pictures, sentence quality and diversity, vocabulary, organization, and if the opinion is supported by reason and/or examples. Both tests employ a 0–200 point scale.
The TOEIC Listening and Reading Test is two hours long (45 minutes for listening and 75 minutes for reading). TOEFL certificate, The hearing and reading comprehension sections each have 200 multiple-choice items evenly distributed. Each question is worth a total of five points. As a result, each candidate obtains separate scores on a scale of 0 to 495 for listening and reading comprehension. The total score ranges from 0 to 990 on a scale of one to ten. The TOEIC certificate comes in five different colors, each correlating to a different set of results:


IELTS certificate



TOEFL certificate
